Warning! Flu Shots Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

by: DR. Edward F. Group III

Every year about this time doctors around the world are recommending that people go in and get their annual flu shot. What most people don’t know or understand is just how dangerous this could be, especially for children under the age of 12. When people call and say “My doctor is telling the family to go in and get a flu shot. Should I do it?”…I tell them they should learn about the side effects and decide for themselves…as a chiropractor and naturopathic physician I don’t’ have the time or energy to argue with family practitioners or family doctors who are obviously uneducated on the possible side effects or detrimental effects flu shots or vaccinations in general can have on the body.

I personally have never received a flu shot and have never been ill during the flu season. In my personal opinion I don’t think toxic chemicals and strains of different viruses growing on living tissue belong inside the body. Because of the demand, I want to share with you some of the research that we have found in the latest flu shot trend and the by-products of these supposedly sterile and non-harmful solutions.

I don’t know about you, but I sure would not want any of the following compounds in my bloodstream or deposited in my body. Let’s look at what we have found in the common vaccinations:

Ethylene Glycol: Ethylene Glycol is nothing more than the technical name for anti-freeze, the same stuff that you put inside your car engine. I don’t think I have to tell you what would happen if you ingest antifreeze.

Thimerosal: This is a mercury derived disinfectant and preservative which is used in a majority of the vaccinations and can result in brain injury over a long period of time leading into Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease, lack of memory, sluggish brain performance and also is known to induce auto-immune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ALS as well as altering and depleting the immune system from working efficiently.

Phenol: Phenol is most commonly used as a disinfectant, also used as a dye, is listened as a carcinogenic agent (cancer-causing) agent and is also known as carbolic acid.

Neomycin and Streptomycin: These compounds are used as antibiotics which have side effects to include severe allergic reactions in some people. It always puzzled me why they are putting two different forms of antibiotics in a viral vaccine.

Aluminum: Aluminum accumulates in the skin, bones, brain and kidneys and can cause Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Aluminum has also caused cancer in laboratory mice. It is commonly used as an additive in most vaccinations.

Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is used as a preservative. It is also classified as a carcinogenic (cancer-causing agent) and causes the body fluids to become acidic in nature. Formaldehyde will start to preserve your tissues within the body.

I hope that when your doctor starts telling you that it is time for your annual flu vaccine you will present this material to him and ask him how all of these ingredients are going to prevent you from getting the flu. I’ll be very interested in knowing what his answer is to that question. As a side note just to let you know what is being injected to your body, these vaccines are strained through animal or human tissues like chicken embryos, monkey kidney tissue and embryonic guinea pig cells, to name a few.

So what am I supposed to do if I don’t listen to my doctor and I decide not to get an annual flu shot? Well, you have probably made the smartest decision you have ever made in your entire life. So let me give you 5 Simple Secrets and Bonuses to Sailing Through The Flu Season:

Secret #1: Reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol and carbonated beverages and replace with purified water with addition of organic apple cider vinegar added. Two tablespoons per gallon or a capful per glass. Ideally, you should drink at least ½ gallon of water each day.

Secret #2: Reduce intake of refined white sugar, white flour, sweets, refined grains and hydrogenated oils. Try not to over-eat, especially during the holidays. Try to get adequate exercise—at least 3 times per week. The more you move, the better your lymph system is able to move toxic materials out of the body.

Secret #3: Zinc. In a majority of the studies that have been done during the flu season many people have prevented the flu by taking supplements of zinc. Zinc is one of the most powerful immune stimulants and is powerful anti-viral. There are a lot of different forms of zinc and you have to be careful on which one you choose. Therefore I recommend the best and most absorbable form of zinc which is zinc orotate. If you cannot find this form of zinc at your local health food store or natural health care practitioner contact Global Healing Center at 713.476.0016 or staff@globalhealingcenter.com. Do not take zinc at the same time you eat or drink citrus fruits or juices. It will diminish the effectiveness of the zinc.

Secret #4: Eat as close to nature as possible. This means to eat food that is considered “live.” Include raw fruits (seasonal), vegetables and nuts and seeds as much as possible in your diet. If possible, buy organic or from a local farmer’s market. Make sure that you thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables before consuming. Vegetables may be steamed lightly or used in nourishing soups and stews. Adding fresh garlic to your diet is also recommended.

Secret #5: Eliminate stress and negative emotions. Being negative and allowing stress to affect you can quickly bring down the immune system. Learn to say no to activities that will over-tax your schedule. Spend time alone each day and read positive books, listen to good music or practice meditation. Train your mind to find the positive or good in every situation and treat all of these situations as a learning experience. Don’t go around playing the “victim” in life.

BONUS! Secret #6: Colloidal Silver, Oxygenator and Oregano Oil: Colloidal silver has been around for hundreds of years and has been used as a natural antibiotic which promotes healing. It can also be used as a nasal spray and as eardrops. Oxygenator is a safe, stable, inorganic compound of oxygen and chlorine-containing products, in a colorless and odorless aqueous medium. Oxygenator is known to release chlorine dioxide (CL02), and the product has demonstrated efficacy as an anti-inflammatory, broad spectrum, bactericidal, fungicidal, as well as a virucidal agent. The Chemistry Literature verifies this triple-threat ability of CL02. Oregano Oil is a powerful germ and painkiller. An article published in Phytotherapy Research describes how oregano oil superceded anti-inflammatory drugs in reversing pain and inflammation and is nearly as powerful as morphine as a painkiller. The oil also possesses significant antioxidant powers. Furthermore, it stimulates the flow of bile, which greatly aids digestion. Keep these three products in your medicine cabinet at all times. All three are available from www.globalhealingcenter.com or call 713.476.0016.

SUPER BONUS!! Extra Tips and Suggestions

  • Get adequate sleep and rest. The body does the most healing between the hours of sundown and midnight. It is impossible to “catch-up” on sleep.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Rinse and dry your hands thoroughly and keep them away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you sneeze use a tissue and throw it away as soon as possible.
  • Buy a new toothbrush frequently. Toothbrushes can harbor viruses and prolong an illness.
  • Eucalyptus Oil is good for relieving congestion. Put 6 drops in a hot bath or in boiling water, put a towel over your head and inhale the vapors. You can also diffuse it through an essential oil diffuser.
  • Dairy Products. Dairy can be very mucous causing not to mention the fact that many people have an allergy to cow’s milk and don’t even know it.
  • 3 Drops of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear 3x daily for 5 days helps relieve flu symptoms.

With many flu seasons ahead I felt it was finally time to break the silence and reveal these secrets to as many people as possible. I have come to the conclusion that your Dr. doesn’t want you to know about the detrimental effects of flu shots and vaccinations. Please feel free to share this article with your friends, family and loved ones. I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. Don’t forget to check all the information and research articles on our continually up-dated website: www.globalhealingcenter.com

About The Author

Dr. Group and his book have received critical acclaim from the media, health publications and people from around the country. He in an international speaker and has spoken with respected speakers such as Deepak Chopra, Julian Whittaker, Stedman Graham and Joseph Mercola. He has spoken at the International Wellness Conference, State Chiropractic Conventions and on the campuses of many colleges and universities. He’s also been interviewed by several radio talk shows and magazines.

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